Hebrews: Why Jesus?
This is a good news - bad news sort of situation. I'll give you the bad news first. The study has been completed. It took us 20 sessions to examine the book of Hebrews but it sure was worth it! (If you didn't make it, you sure were missed.) The good news is that each of the sessions is being posted below. You can read through the teaching guide used by the pastor in leading the study. (Although for full disclosure, there was much presented and discussed which will not be in the notes. The notes are the skeletal outline for the study but will help you understand the meaning of the book and point out many powerful truths.) There is no other way to sum up Hebrews other than it is a book about Jesus. He is better than Moses, higher than the angels, and a high priest of a new covenant which is better than anything previously given to mankind. One of the main themes is our "perfection". The author of Hebrews brings this home and so I hope that whether you are looking to examine the book of Hebrews more thoroughly or you are wanting to go through a study that shines a light on Jesus brightly, then please feel free to read over these notes from our last men's study.